Saturday 19 November 2011



Latter part of the nineteenth century can be considered the beginning of industrial food microbiology. Once it was established that certain yeast grown under certain conditions produced beer and that certain bacteria could spoil the beer; then brewers were able to understand the microbiological role and were in a position to control the quality of their products. Microorganisms have proved their versatility by exhibiting their special qualities and their role in not only in the food industry but in brewing industry as well.
We will begin with some non dairy fermentation like alcoholic beverages and vinegar.

Beer production:
Beer is an undistilled beverage produced from fermentation of barley malt by yeast especially Sacccharomyces crevisiae and S. carsibergenesis. Generally materials rich in starch like rice, wheat and maize are also added to increase the amount of fermentable sugars. They are called as ADJUNCTS.

Beer production involves four main steps:
1.      MALTING
2.      MASHING

It’s always better to explain any industrial fermentation schematically as it gives a better view of the whole process and from examination point of view; it leaves better impact. I would suggest the schematic view but if you are comfortable with the paragraph explanations then even its perfect!!!
i have posted  schematic self explanatory sketch for beer production in next post !!!
Have a great learning and let me know how you find it!!

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